API Compatibility

Curated Transformers is a new library. It is almost certain that we have made design errors that will require us to change the API in incompatible ways in the future. Nevertheless, we will try to make such changes easy to manage for you by:

  • Following Semantic Versioning. This means that you can pin Curated Transformers to curated-transformers>=1.0.0,<2.0.0 and your code should not break.

  • Documenting API changes between major versions in this document. Once the next major version of Curated Transformers is released, you can migrate to that version by taking these changes into account.

Python makes nearly every part of a project visible. However, we consider some data structures and functions to be implementation details that should not be used externally and are not covered by the semver promise. Therefore we limit API compatibility to the following:

  • Modules, data structures, and functions that are publicly documented in the documentation.

  • Model checkpoints. You should be able to load any model checkpoint created with a major version of Curated Transformers with all subsequent minor/patch versions of that major version.

Specific Constructions

In this section we discuss how API compatibility is handled in some specific constructions.


All enums should be considered non-exhaustive. This means that new variants may be added in within a major version. If you write code that matches on enum variants, you should also handle unknown variants (e.g. by passing it to a Curated Transfomers function that can handle all enum variants).

Mandatory Arguments

Some functions require all arguments to be specified, for instance this is required in the constructors of most building blocks. This poses an issue when we need to add new mandatory arguments. We will address this as follows:

  • In the current major version, we add the new argument with a special default value. This default value is used to signal that the function should use the behavior from before the argument was added. This ensures that existing invocations of such a function will continue to work.

  • The last minor release of the current major version will emit warnings for such arguments when calling code relies on the default value.

  • In the next major version, we will remove the default value to make the argument mandatory.

For example, consider the constructor of curated_transformers.layers.ScaledDotProductAttention:

def __init__(
    dropout_prob: float,
    linear_biases: Optional[AttentionLinearBiases]

Suppose that we wanted to make it possible to use another temperature in the attention’s softmax than \(\sqrt{d_k}\). To do this, we could add a temperature argument temperature:

from curated_transformers.semver import Default, FutureMandatory

def __init__(
    dropout_prob: float,
    linear_biases: Optional[AttentionLinearBiases]
    temperature: FutureMandatory[float] = Default

We use the generic FutureMandatory type to indicate that this argument will be mandatory in the future. The Default distinguishes the default from possible values of T. When the default value is not overridden, the constructor will use the behavior that was the default before the argument was added. This special value will also make it possible for us to add deprecation warnings in the future.

Types Used for API Compatibility

class curated_transformers.semver.Default

Marker type to be used as a default value for FutureMandatory.


FutureMandatory[T] is either an instance of T or the type Default. It used as the type for arguments that will become mandatory in the next major version.

Changes Between Major Versions

Version 1 to 2

  • The factory methods of AttentionHeads add a new qkv_split argument which is mandatory in future versions.

  • The FromHFHub mixins are be renamed to FromHF.

  • The convert_hf_state_dict method in FromHF is be removed in favour of state_dict_from_hf.

  • The SelfAttention class takes an additional AttentionScorer argument.